Новости (английский)

04.08.2015 RZ Agro Group completed the harvesting of early crops
15.06.2015 Harvesting campaign - 2015 began in RZ Agro!
06.04.2015 In all RZ Agro farms spring field works are ongoing actively
30.03.2015 In the farms of Rostov-East cluster spring barley planted on area of 2.6 kha, which represents 70% of the planned planting acreage for this culture.
23.03.2015 In Rostov-South flax sowing on the area of 1.5 kha was completed.
17.03.2015 In farms of Stavropol-West and Rostov-South clusters sowing of early grain and leguminous crops was completed on a total area of 6.3 kha.
16.03.2015 RZ Agro farms equipped with new machinery and equipment
12.03.2015 Works on the early spring fertililzing started in cluster Rostov-East.
28.02.2015 Assessment of winter crops condition
24.02.2015 Spring fieldworks started in RZ Agro Farms

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